Lirik Lagu Barat dan Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia
Lirik Lagu These Are The Ghosts - A Band Of Bees dan Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia

734 Ulasan

Kasir Mandiri - Aplikasi Kasir Pilihan Anda


Lirik Lagu These Are The Ghosts - A Band Of Bees dan Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia - Aplikasi Indonesia

Kasir Mandiri - Aplikasi Kasir Pilihan Anda

You should think of a lesson
As a weapon of love
And teach your brother
Teach your sister
Think of a lesson as a weapon in love
There´s nothing you can do
But let time tick
Stay positive and show stiff lip
Nothing you can do
But let time tick away
I need twice as much space
And half as many things
A well written verse that I can sing
Twice as much space
And a new set of strings
These are the ghosts I made myself
These are the ghosts I made
We can bury the memory
If we want to go back
We´re forward wanting
Past the haunting
Bury the memory
We don´t want to go back
